2 Loveton Cir, Sparks Glencoe, MD 21152
8:30A | Check-In
3:30P | Awards Ceremony
Check In Begins at 8:30 AM
Register: Make sure you register online before the clinic to reserve your spot
Come Ready: Get a good night’s sleep, eat breakfast, and drink plenty of water.
ALL Positions: Check-in begins at 8:30 AM
Suit Up: Athletes will receive a USMC Sports Leadership Academy shirt. You will be responsible to bring all other equipment such as helmet, goggles, lacrosse stick, cleats, mouthguard, etc.
Be on Time! The clinic starts at 9:00 AM.
On-Field Testing: Athletes will be tested in the 40-yard Dash, Shuttle Run, Shot Accuracy and Shot Speed. You will get two runs in each drill with the best time recorded.
Skills and Drills: Our elite coaching staff will lead you through drills that will help develop skills, increase agility, improve techniques, and help you become a better player.
Scrimmage: Line up against the best players from your area and compete.
Leadership Training: The Marine Corps Leadership Traits will be taught during breakout sessions that focus on how sports skills learned relate to real world challenges.
FREE Lunch: All athletes will receive a free catered lunch from USMC Sports.
Awards Ceremony: Awards will be presented to the top performers and top leaders at the conclusion of the clinic. All athletes and family members are encouraged to attend and take photos.
Follow Us on Social Media: Share photos and videos from the clinic on your social media pages and tag @usmcsla.